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Abu Dhabi
February 15, 2024

Grade 12 students receive heartfelt blessings in Ashirvachanam Ceremony

In a touching ceremony filled with warmth and good wishes, Grade 12 students at GIIS Abu Dhabi were honoured with a special blessing ceremony, Ashirvachanam, as they prepare for their upcoming board exams.


The ceremony began with the lighting of lamps, a traditional symbol of positivity and enlightenment. The secondary department of GIIS Abu Dhabi team stepped forward to offer their blessings and words of encouragement to the graduating class of 2023-24. With each heartfelt message, students were reminded of their strengths, resilience, and the continued support of their school community.


A poignant moment of the ceremony was the passing of scrolls, symbolising the transfer of knowledge, wisdom, and well wishes from teachers to students. As each scroll was handed over, it signified the collective hopes and aspirations of the entire GIIS family for the bright futures of our Grade 12 students.


As the ceremony came to a close, there was a sense of unity among all present. The students, adorned with smiles and gratitude, expressed their appreciation for the love and support showered upon them.


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